I wanted to free myself from drugs
My name is Aleksandra Manojlovic. My parents divorced when I was nine years old, and because of it I spent a lot of time on streets. When I was 13 years old I started drinking alcohol and smoking marihuana. I was full of hatred and pain because of abuse in my family and divorce of my parents. I started using heavy drugs when I was 21 years old, and I thought I solved all of my problems because I stopped feeling the pain and hatred that I had carried in me. The state I was in was terrible.
Then I heard about Teen Challenge Serbia, and I entered the program. I wanted another chance, and I wanted to free myself from drugs. In program I saw many changed lives and miracles. I had many difficult moments, but I had great support from the stuff. During two years of my rehabilitation, I met God who gave me life. I have received joy and happiness despite the difficult circumstances around me. When I finished my rehabilitation, I returned to my hometown and God opened the doors for me to do what I love. Now I am happy and sure that as long as I do what I learned in Teen Challenge Serbia, I will have a good and fulfilled life.