Raskršće - proven cure for drug addiction

Raskršće, is civil association for fighting addiction. The goal of Raskršće is to with the help of high quality rehabilitation program provide a way out of drug addiction to an addict and a full recovery to his family. Since its foundation until today, commitment to exterination of drug addiction, help, understanding and support have been a trade mark of Raskršće in a battle of helping those who have found themselves in a problem of addiction. During eighteen years of work over 10.000 addicts and their parents went through counseling and over 1.000 addicts went throught Raskršće programs. Within its organization Raskršće has one men’s rehabilitation center of isolation type, as well as half-way house, total capacity for 24 persons.

The principles of Raskršće rehabilitation are based on holistic approach – psichological, social and physical.

Raskršće is an organization which accepts individual requests for help men and women from all over Serbia, as well as form other countries from the region, including persons sent by various public or state institutions.

Raskršće equally values rehabilitation and resocalization of a person, therefore after rehabilitation period Raskršće provides support to those who seek it in finding jobs or going back to school. After program graduation every addict gets a diploma on a special formal ceremony, as a relevant motivating factor. Also, at the moment Raskršće has trainings and development of different skills and crafts during rehabilitation, to make it easier for addicts to find work and employement after program.

Raskršće is founded by married couple Sasha and Svetlana Ivanović, who have also been rehabilitated from heroin addiction in 1987. Residents of Novi Sad, parents of three children, certified Theologians of Evangelical Theological University started by encouraging addicts to go to a hospital treatment, and then they would give them how to start a new life without drugs. Raskršće arised as an answer to the need of more and more people asking help from the Ivanović. They have visited over 15 respectable rehabilitation centers in Europe and then applyed all learned experiences to Raskršće programs.

Since June 2023. UPZ “Raskršće” is leading by board of directors which has 9 members.

Its first rehabilitation programs Raskršće stareted in Novi Sad in the year 2000. Men’s rehabilitation center is outside of Novi Sad, on Čenej and its capacity is 24 people.