Mission Impossible
At the age of 22 I was tired of life. The way I lived killed everything in me and brought me to the end of my strength. When I was 12 I started to express rebellion and dissatisfaction. And for the next 10 years I searched to make sense of my existence. I was an intravenous drug addict and I went through all the phases that such a life brings. Drug dealing, stealing, burglaries, custody… all of that broke me and from that ‘turbo’ life and false glamour I ended up on a street with a needle in my vein…
By chance, a card from Raskrsce came into my hands. Two weeks after my first visit to the coffee house, I came into the programme and very soon changes and total transformation came into my life. I was learning to live all over again, right from the beginning… Faith in God, support and love from the staff and other girls in the centre gave me supernatural strength to go on. My past doesn’t count any more… Soon I will go out from the rehabilitation centre completely revived and all I can say is: There is no ‘mission impossible’ for God!!!
