I’m Dragan Maćešić and I’m 39.

Beginning of my childhood had been spent carelessly until the age of 11 when my parents divorced. It was when I started skipping classes and hanging out with a bad company. That led me to underage delinquency and to all the problems that go along with it, such as street fights, robberies, and problems with the police. It was when I started drinking and smoking marihuana. It continued until I was 18, when I tried to calm down. For the next 7, 8 years I led a normal life. I found a well-paid job as an international truck driver in Europe. However, that was when my first problems with drugs started. The intensity of the job was hardly bearable in usual conditions. I would drive for 15, 16 hours a day and I wouldn`t sleep for 3 or 4 days. I started taking cocaine so I didn`t have to sleep. Soon I started taking heroin to relax. Very shortly I realized that heroin took control over my life.

My agony and fight just started. I tried many ways to get clean and settle. However, I sank lower and lower and my agony was becoming bigger. I lost my job along with any hope that I would ever get clean. I couldn`t live with heroin anymore, and I couldn`t live with it as well. I had used heroin for 10 years.

I reached Crossroads where I still had the worst downbeat thoughts and I didn`t believe in the real recovery from the drug. Soon after, I got hope in future and permanent deliberation from addiction and from any thought about drug whatsoever. Thank to God and Crossroads I got my smile back on my face, a normal life and hope for a better future. Now I`m sure that false contentment won`t get me miss this new chance I am given.



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